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New Painting & Shopify Account
So I’ve decided since I get quite small traction with Etsy I’ll try Shopify and link over to it I was trying to carve a rolling pin this week and it split while using my 1 point to add some definition so I’ll put a hold on that until I get a 4 point…
New Medium
So I’ve been working playing with carving Styrafoam but wanted to practice before getting into a large project that’s I’ve been working on. Since it’s a material that we find free everywhere I’ve been collecting a bunch. I’ve noticed much of the materials you get free however seem to be in odd shapes. I could…
Back painting finally
So I’ve been a little MIA and have not added any work for some time. I’ve been a little caught up in some big life changes. In November I moved from San Francisco to Seattle. It was a lot I had difficulty with movers and kept finding myself spread really thin week after week. I’ve…
Times are a changing
So I’m moving to Seattle next weekend, technically on Monday afternoon I fly out. I’ve been trying to see people often and have packed up all my stuff. This has been very physically draining but more emotionally. I’ve been in San Francisco for almost 19 years and I always thought this was where I would…
Last show is next weekend
Next week I have two shows one at a flower shop in my local neighborhood called Dasluz flower studio it’s going to be Friday October 15th. The following day I have a show at Public Glass and have ordered 4 different prints of my 12 x 12 and 9 x 12 so I’m excited to…
My First Show Ever!
Thanks to everyone who came out. It was fun to meet a bunch of other artists. I unfortunately didn’t sell any art but I had a lot of interest and am hoping that I hear from some of those who took a card. I may reduce pricing for my show in October mostly because I’d…
Time to get ready for the show!
Today I prepped and finished sanding of two of my sculptures. I have been using Renaissance Wax Polish which looks great and was recommended for Alabaster. I’m more excited now for the shows that these are finally ready. I kept precrastinating on the one piece. I started it probably about 4 years ago. The 2nd…
Sometimes things are never done
Okay so I worked on sanding my other stone sculpture all day Sunday and hit a point of exhaustion followed with the dumb idea to go on a hike then put together some furniture. I was in bed by 7pm that night. I’ve recovered but as you can see in the one image there are…
How does one name a sculpture
So today I sanded my most recent sculpture to about 600 grit I was going to go to 800 I purchased this great wax that was safe for alabaster and added a nice finish to the piece and got it on the base. Feels good to be done and now I need to come up…
Finally starting to feel at ease
Okay so over the last weekend I did some more silhouette mixed media pieces so I have samples for the shows. I also was able to finally find a drill bit that was diamond tips that made the hole in my river rock deeper and almost there. My drill keeps dying (shitty Ikea one) But…