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Sanding, Bases and more resin art
Okay so I’ve received some bases for some of my sculptures which may or may not work. I decided to use a wood round which I need to sand up and finish that I thought would be a cool base for my alabaster piece that I started quite some time ago. Here it is sitting on the round. The sculpture needs a lot of finishing so hoping to start working on it a bit this weekend outside.
This one below I had purchased and thought it was stolen since it appeared 2 days after the delivery date. It’s a nice piece of petrified wood and may work as a stand but I ended up buying a river rock slab so will see which looks best, the one below is a bit small for a base but I like the angle.

Here are the other resin paintings I worked on (just pre resin below)

Last but not least I’m starting to get closer to the finishing touches on the large piece I’m doing. I am still waiting for rabbit glue to add to the gesso to make sure the piece is a little stronger. Hopefully it’s enough to protect the piece. Currently after this sanding phase I added a bit more drywall joint compound mix and will need to sand that once more.