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New Painting & Shopify Account
So I’ve decided since I get quite small traction with Etsy I’ll try Shopify and link over to it
I was trying to carve a rolling pin this week and it split while using my 1 point to add some definition so I’ll put a hold on that until I get a 4 point as if it splits again, which it’s trying to. I’ll just be making some gravel. So I decided to do a painting to relax. Once I was done with it I remembered some time ago I had wanted to use one of my backgrounds for a silhouette. Instead of doing the style used previously for the portraits I decided to go solid black so I searched for some silhouette outlines online and found two that reminded me of my niece and nephew and figured that’s a good route. Here it is before and after the silhouette’s – It may need a little touching up on the back ground but I’m happy with the overall piece.