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New Pieces
So I have a few more pieces I’ve been working on this first one I sort of started in reverse. Typically I do a background and then decide what the foreground will be. This piece I decided I wanted to use a bunch of yellow mixed media and wasn’t sure yet what I was going to create.

I was a little stuck on this one for a bit I only knew I wanted to use blues and purples for the back ground since it would be a nice contract pop. After finishing the background I decided to do a silhouette of a child blowing a dandelion but I didn’t want to use the super common ones I found online most being little girls. I found one image of a little boy with amazing hair and just slightly tweaked the head of the stencil till the head was at an angle. Below is a step by step adjustment of playing with this one over a 1-2 week period.

Once the stencil was completed I completed the painting of the stencil, I typically use a slightly damp natural sponge.
Then after a few days of moving the yellow pieces around I finally glued them down (I used E8000) and then completed this piece with a resin pour. You can also see why I started photographing all my resin pieces pre-pour. Once the resin is done the photograph quality is very difficult due to the high reflection of the pieces.

This piece I finish up today which is a Silhouette piece. I created a video yesterday of the process making the backdrop but sped up a bit.

I ended up deciding to go with the setup on the right even though I was unsure which I liked best. Here is a video of the Silhouette being applied, again I use a natural sponge that’s been slightly dampened and wrung out. My last creation of the Tardis one I got the sponge too wet and noticed some moving of the paint under the stencil so trying to keep it less watery on this one to prevent any issues.

Pretty happy with how this one turned out. This is a total, the parents are not home and we’re having a dance party after school vibe. I think for me a piece feels successful when it invokes a memory or feeling.