Category: Uncategorized

  • Classes

    So I’ve decided to sort of bring back my old classes for art. Back in San Francisco I had a company called Pink Elephant Art Events. I liked to teach a project around a material like canvas art or mason jar art. Then I’d provide some visual suggestions and work with people doing that. I…

  • New Painting

    I’ve had the canvases painted since before I moved into my current place. I had printed the hands but just never really felt they were correct. A few days ago I finally found a better fit. Made a little video of this one to share. Hoping soon to finally get my garage setup for pour…

  • Vancouver Island Symposium 2024

    My first trip to Canada was a nice one. I came up to Vancouver Island last week from Monday to Sunday. I was able to watch some great demo’s on stone splitting and sanding/polishing which were pretty great. The event had phenomenal weather and I really got to focus on the piece I’ve been working…

  • Oh my!

    Today I got an offer to do a 1 day booth at the Urban Craft Uprising Summer Event. I will be spending a lot of my free time working on making supplies. I also got into the West Seattle Art Walk again for the 2nd show after doing my first in April. I installed my…

  • Summer is almost here…

    So this past month I had a show in the West Seattle Art Walk a spot basically across the street and a half block down. I showed some of my silhouette pieces there and also look to be having the same series in a show next January and February in a gallery in Georgetown. I’m…

  • 35th Annual Symposium @ Pilgrim Firs

    On July 8th – July 16th I attended the 35th Annual Stone Carving Symposium at Pilgrim Firs. This was my 3rd time here and about my 6th or 7th Symposium (Hard to keep track of with Covid) I began to work on piece which I believe now to be Calcite or similar. Here are some…

  • Rocks

    Going to share one more post that I have barely started, but started none the less on this amazing stone. Not quite sure what it is but it’ harder and more crystal like than marble. I think one guess was a kind of calcite or a mix of stones. But my idea here is that…

  • New Pieces

    So I have a few more pieces I’ve been working on this first one I sort of started in reverse. Typically I do a background and then decide what the foreground will be. This piece I decided I wanted to use a bunch of yellow mixed media and wasn’t sure yet what I was going…

  • More silhouette paintings

    So I came up with two more paintings using the style I’ve been having a lot of fun with. One is from a painting I did a few years ago but I’ve never really felt it was done. Now it’s a very cool jazz inspired piece which I’m calling “Howling Cat”. The other one I…

  • Call Awards!

    This week I received 3 responses to recent calls for art form Cafe online and it looks like I received the following awards (Two of which are for my Self Portrait): This honestly make me feel really good because I know my newest pieces which are a combo of my dog silhouette piece I made…