Category: Uncategorized

  • Day of Resin-ing

    So I’m working on my larger sculpture as it’s been a little prone to tipping over as one side is a little off balanced with weight. So I testing pouring resin in a small pan I that was slightly larger than the current base with mold release. It very easily released from the pan so…

  • New Painting

    Last night I was feeling a little discouraged as I have so many projects that need completed but I really wanted to paint something. So I decided to do some sort of landscape which quickly transitioned to a tree canopy. It was a fun little 16″ x 16″ piece and I’m loving how peaceful it…

  • Painting sculpture and new pieces

    So a few days ago I finished the last layer of painting on my sculpture it’s in a nice light purple blue hue. The 1st layer was to smooth out some of the blemishes and fabric showing after sanding it. I did two layers of gesso with rabbit glue and then about 2 layers of…

  • Sanding, Bases and more resin art

    Okay so I’ve received some bases for some of my sculptures which may or may not work. I decided to use a wood round which I need to sand up and finish that I thought would be a cool base for my alabaster piece that I started quite some time ago. Here it is sitting…

  • Messy Painting = Fun

    Alright so I had a really tough day yesterday as I went to take the dog for a walk and witnesses a literal car explode in front of me as a car side swiped 4 cars about 2 to 3 feet in front of me. I was pretty in shock in the morning and was…

  • Getting closer to finishing touches, almost.

    Okay so the past few days I’ve added one more coat of resin my space sculpture and I’ve gotten the wool blending brushes and added the color and I’m liking it since it’s smoother. I’ll keep working on this as I’m struggling to get the resin to appear as smooth as I’d like because unless…

  • Felting

    Two days ago I start working on the inside shape for the sculpture by felting first with just plain wool. As the shape grew I added some color but realized I didn’t like the way the blended wool looked texture wise. Here I’ve removed most of that added color and I will increase the height…

  • Paintings Today

    I had a bad day today and decided to work on some paintings. I still wanted to keep going so I pulled out my large painting from a few weeks or so ago. You can see the before and after. Still have some work but starting to look a little better. Right side needs something…

  • Sculpture + Found Objects + Resin = Neat

    Okay so this past week I returned from the #NWSSA Symposium and got back to it. I started by picking out my found items for the piece and attaching them. After I did my 1st coat of resin. I have never done a 3D piece in Resin and it is a bit tricky as you…

  • Current Mixed Media Sculpture

    A few years back I created my first mixed media art on canvas. It has a very eclectic space feel and always felt like a lot of fun. I’ve been wanting for quite a long time to take those principles and make a larger sculptural piece. Seeing as we’ve been dealing with this Covid quarantine…